Teething guide to ensure sleep

Teething can be a tough phase for both babies and their parents, as the discomfort can disrupt sleep patterns. Here’s a guide to help soothe your teething baby and improve their sleep:

Recognize the Signs of Teething

  • Drooling

  • Chewing on objects

  • Irritability and fussing

  • Swollen or tender gums

  • Slightly raised temperature (not fever)

Offer Teething Relief Before Bedtime

  • Teething Rings: Provide a chilled (but not frozen) teething ring for your baby to chew on before bedtime. The cold can numb the gums and relieve discomfort.

  • Cold Washcloth: Wet a washcloth, chill it in the fridge, and let your baby chew on it. The cold sensation can be soothing.

  • Teething Gels or Medications: If recommended by your doctor, you may use over-the-counter teething gels or pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen, but always follow the correct dosing and usage guidelines.

  • Gentle Gum Massage: Use a clean finger or a soft, damp cloth to massage their gums.

  • Warm Bath: Helps relax your baby and ease discomfort.

Maintain a Consistent Bedtime Routine

  • Storytime or Singing: A calm activity helps signal that it's time to wind down.

  • Routine is Key: A consistent, calming bedtime routine (bath, story, stories) can help signal to your baby that it’s time for sleep, even when they’re in discomfort. Teething may cause discomfort at any time, but sticking to your usual routine can help them feel safe and secure.

  • Stick to your usual sleep schedule as much as possible to help your baby feel secure.

  • Avoid introducing long-term sleep associations like rocking or feeding to sleep, unless you’re okay with continuing them after teething ends.

Consider Sleeping Environment

  • Check the Room Temperature: If teething causes drooling, which can lead to discomfort from wet clothes, make sure the room is comfortable—not too hot or cold.

  • Shushing or Soft Music can also help calm them down if they’re more fussy than usual.

Use White Noise

White noise machines can be helpful. The soothing sound can mask other noises and create a calm environment, which might be especially comforting during teething pain.

Offer Extra Comfort During night wake ups

  • If your baby wakes in the middle of the night, it’s okay to comfort them more than usual. You can try gently patting or shushing them back to sleep. Some babies may need more soothing during this phase, and offering extra reassurance can help them feel secure enough to sleep through the discomfort.

  • Respond Quickly, but Calmly: Pick up and soothe your baby if they wake up crying.

  • Avoid Overstimulating: Keep the lights dim and interactions quiet.

  • Reassurance Without Feeding (if unneeded): If they don’t require a feed, gently soothe them back to sleep without creating a new dependency.

Teething phases don’t last forever! With patience, a soothing routine, and consistent care, you can help your baby (and yourself) get through this stage with better sleep.


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