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What Clients Have to Say

Check out the 100+ 5 star testimonials on Google Reviews

Our baby has generally been a pretty good sleeper! From around 4 months, he was sleeping through the night, however my partner and I have always rocked him to sleep – we found this to be the only way he would ever go down! At around 8.5 months, our baby started waking frequently over night (regression?!), he also had just learnt to stand up, so he was waking, standing, and unable to get himself back down and would cry and it would be very difficult to settle him back to sleep.

Each night was so unpredictable, and his day naps were all over the shop because of this. After 6 weeks of sleepless/ unpredictable nights, we decided to seek help and contacted Leanne, we explained our situation and she instantly reassured us that she would be able to help us. Explaining that I was nervous about the β€œcry it out” method, Leanne recommended β€œthe gradual withdrawal method” for our family, paired with a new routine.

This sleep method generally takes around 2 weeks for the results to show, within 2-3 days of implementing the new routine and sleep techniques, our baby was sleeping through! I honestly think he was ready for this change and adapted so well to his new schedule. We found making only a few small tweaks to his day routine, made the world of difference for the night! Since starting with Leanne, We don’t rock him to sleep anymore, he is sleeping 7pm-7am and wake ups overnight have been rare - but if they do occur, he self-settles all on his own!

We highly recommend contacting Leanne, her support and reassurance throughout the whole experience really helped us, especially in the first few nights of the sleep program!

- Olivia Codling

Leanne literally performed a miracle we never thought was possible. Our daughter only slept through the night once in the first year of her life. She would only sleep if she was rocked, or breastfed. She would wake anywhere between 3 and 10 times a night. Sometimes she’d be up for 1 to 2 hours. We were exhausted, had no energy, and it was affecting our lives significantly.

Leanne immediately put together a solid plan and followed through with us every day. We chose the spaced soothing method which involves letting your child cry it out - which we were against at first - but Leanne’s confidence, energy & expertise gave us the courage to do it. On the first night, our daughter figured out how to sleep after 5 + 8 + 2 mins of crying, with us going into her room to settle her. She slept through the night, waking up once for a 2-3 minute whinge. By the second night she was only crying for about 30 secs. On nights 3, 4 and 5 she slept through the night (12 hours) with no protesting and only a momentary whinge.

We had given up hope. We were broken. Leanne saved us, and saved our daughter. Above all, she is a wonderful person to deal with & clearly knows what she is doing!

Knock out your doubt and give Leanne a call. Trust us, we were you. You’re not alone. And it is doable!!!

- Erdem Koch

Leanne's name was passed on to us by another mum I know who had heard great things about her! We had attempted to get my 4 month old to sleep it seems like forever and was always unsuccessful. She had multiple wake ups during the night and naps consisted of us holding her....

Whenever we attempted to have her nap in the cot she would just cry! It came down to one weekend my baby was awake every hour for four nights in a row. We were exhausted! In desperation I contacted Leanne and received a very swift response from her. We filled in the very detailed in take form and Leanne and I had phone consultation. The next day we made the necessary adjustments to my Baby's room as Leanne had suggested making it a conductive sleeping environment. Once the room was ready we focused on the daytime schedule Leanne had outlined. Within 1-2 days my baby was having two naps a day both for 2 hours at time in her cot! Night time she was having one to two wakes up only!!

I have nothing but fantastic praise for Leanne. She was a lifesaver and always responded to my questions in a timely fashion. I have already recommended her too many of my friends and would continue to do so. Thank you so much Leanne!!

- Natalie Archer

After little baby Harry was born, I was sleep deprived, overwhelmed and struggled adjusting to motherhood. Sadly, I knew that baby Harry was sleep deprived too! I was doing the best I could with the minimal skills I had but always wondered: "How do other mothers do this?"

"Why am I struggling so much with managing a new baby into my life" I was in survival mode and was desperate for change! That is when Leanne Trevor was recommended. And thank goodness. Leanne changed my life! She gave me the support, tools, personal strategy (according to my needs/wants), and most importantly the confidence to love my baby by using a nap schedule. Within days Harry was sleeping better, eating better, pooping better, happier, and was easier to handle. Within days I started catching up on my sleep and I felt like a new woman! I was much happier and most importantly I could truly start loving and enjoying my new baby!

Leanne was like a breath of fresh air! If I would have known how much value Leanne could offer, I would have called her as soon as I gave birth. I had such a positive experience, I have referred Leanne to all my friends and family who are having babies, or who are struggling with the sleep habits of their children! I can sincerely say that Leanne is worth every cent!

Thank you Leanne! I wouldn't have survived without you!

- Sharon Heard

We had a great experience with Leanne and highly recommend getting in touch to help get your bub on track with sleep & sleep routines.Prior to reaching out to Leanne, for about 3 months our little boy (almost 2) needed us to be in his room to fall asleep (taking anywhere between 30mins-1hr) and would wake 2-3 times during the night.

While the first couple of nights were difficult while settling into the new plan/routine, within 3 nights he was sleeping through the night, was happy in his cot, and laying down within seconds of us leaving the room.It has been just over a week now and our little boy has become an independent sleeper who can settle himself, and he is so much happier and well rested... as are we!!

Leanne was lovely to deal with and provided multiple follow up calls to answer any questions or concerns we may have had during the process, and she was available via text outside of our scheduled calls. Thank you Leanne!!

- Elissa Nelson

For the new parents or mum and dad with the toddler, if you have problems with sleep or your child. I want to recommend Leanne Trevor she is very great sleep trainer! I was reaching out for help 3 years ago coz archie still do co sleep with me ,and he didn't want to sleep on his cot (bedroom) archie was 9 months old . She was come to our house and showed me how to put archie in the cot and give us a good routine for him. We followed the routine since than archie is good sleepers and sleep on his own bedroom until now. When Hope born I reached her out again to find out if she's have any good routine for new born, and yes she's helping us again give Hope's . She give hope a very good routine!And now shes sleep on her cot.

After 3 months she's sleep though the night . We put her sleep from 6:30 pm and she will be in her bed from 6:30 pm until 6:30 am ! I have to wake her up to give her top up feeding by 10 pm, she's even didn't want to take it! The sleep training is just change our lives! Everyone in our house get a good night sleep! Hope's is Happy when she's awake , she just followed the routine easily!

Thanks so much Leanne Trevor you're makes the transition from 1 child to two child is so much easier! Now I can do my workout and office work and other mums duties (cooking, laundry, cleaning, daycare drop off-pick-up,grocery shopping) during the day. And have my 7 hours sleep at night! You are awesome!!!

- Adawia Safitri

I approached Leanne after I was at my limits and functioning on limited sleep due to a very unsettled baby who needed to be fed to sleep and would wake multiple times over night. From our initial phone conversation I found Leanne to be extremely informative and very supportive.

I implemented Leanne's suggestions straight away. The first night was hard (which was to be expected). On second day, bubs had amazing day sleeps. What thrilled me the most was that on the second night bubs slept through. I was beyond happy and most of all I was well rested!

We now have a very happy baby at home who self settles at each nap and will sleep through the duration of it. He will now sleep through the night. Leanne- I am so grateful for your help. You have literally saved me. My other two kids are so happy they have their mumma back. I wish I would have done this earlier.

- Vanessa Mann

Desperate for some help with my 3 month olds day naps and night sleep I reached out to Leanne, and thank goodness I did. Leanne provided a solid plan to follow suitable for my baby's age and I was astounded at the difference it made to her sleep and my sanity! Consistency is paramount and having Leannes support along the way was very comforting.

My baby is now on a sleep schedule I never dreamed possible. Sure there are days here and there that don't always go to plan exactly, but having the plan to refer back to to help get back on track has been so valuable. I found Leanne very warm, compassionate and quick to reply on text! I have referred Leanne to a friend just this week in the hope that she can help her as much as she has helped us. Thanks so much Leanne.

- Shelley Turner-Edgar

Working with Leanne finally put an end to the recurring early wakings (5-5:30am every day) we were experiencing with our 3 year old. No longer napping he was exhausted come the end of the day, was hitting the pillow overtired an we’d tried everything we ordered could think of to rectify it.

Combining simple adjustments to routine, diet and behaviour/rewards while taking into account our preferences, our son’s personality and keeping in touch as to how he was responding and tweaking accordingly hit the nail on the head. We now have a little man sleeping until after 6:30/7am the majority of the time and a much more settled home.

Leanne’s detailed sleep plan was easy to follow and the few phone calls we had as part of the package were all we needed. Couldn’t recommend highly enough!

- Amanda Hunt

I loved working with Leanne, her patience made me feel calm and empowered during the time here in our home.

The routine Leanne suggested has been embraced by Charlotte and I’ve noticed her tummy has been easied by the feeding schedule (I previously fed on demand).

The early bedtime has led to a major shift in our evenings. Charlotte loves her new bedtime (2 hours earlier than previous) and I love spending a few hours together with my partner without her (in the best way) and she’s so much easier to settle!

Anthony is able to put her to bed now, when she was dependant on me.

Charlotte has started rolling in the last few days and having to unswaddle one arm, I am confident Leanne can assist if this becomes an issue.

- Carly Wall

Leanne is an absolute sleep lifesaver! Her knowledge & experience plus warm, empathetic gentle nature made us feel comfortable and supported right from the beginning. Thanks to Leanne's comprehensive personalised plans, home visit, coaching and accessible support, our two girls are sleeping better than ever - and it only took less than a week for us to see positive results with resettling for our 7mo and setting firm sleep boundaries for our 2Β½yro.

We are so grateful to Leanne for alleviating the stresses and dread of bedtime and for helping us get our nights, sleep and sanity back. We are *all* much happier and healthier for it... especially under covid19 times 😊 Thanks so much Leanne!!

- Clare

I contacted Leanne after weeks of my 10 month old baby not sleeping through the night and co -sleeping with me. I was at the point were i just didn't know what to do anymore and had information overload on what i could do or what could possible be causing this.

Leanne contacted me back straight away to arrange an appointment, she listened asked questions and was an absolute pleasure to deal with. She provided me a detailed plan for my daughter and supported me through out the process.

Leanne's plan worked perfectly for my daughter and she is now sleeping the correct naps and sleeping through the night in her own bed and room. Wanted to thank Leanne so much for her help with by Daughter.

- Vania Ferreira

We reached out to Leanne when our son was 15 months old looking for guidance on how to help him learn to self settle. We were at a point where we had gone back to frequent night wake ups, lots of crying and protesting sleep and taking quite a long time to resettle him.

Leanne was so calm and responsive from the get go. She was able to create a sleep package that suited our goals and guided us through each step through regular phone contact. We were able to do everything over the phone and through email. We are so impressed with the support we had from Leanne, and she really does wonders. Within just a couple of days our son was sleeping through the night, had a better routine and was self settling. Thank you so much Leanne!

- Sharie Uduman

Leanne is the BEST! I contacted her when my son was about 4 months old, he was an β€œok” sleeper but knew it could be better. She gave us a plan to follow and checked in with us regularly. While I heard other mums complain about how tired they were I was enjoying my son and feeling refreshed!

I recently contacted her for a β€œtune up” as my son is now 8 months old and has dropped his 3rd nap, she provided me with an adjusted plan and within 2 nights he was sleeping 11 hours overnight. If you do the work consistently it will pay off. Knowing I can contact Leanne for a β€œtune up” any time through this journey is like my security blanket. She is quick to respond, professional and reassuring. Everyone comments on how happy my son is, and I believe it’s because he is so well rested and that to me is priceless.

- Lauren

Leanne from Mother In Touch Baby Sleep Consultant has been the ultimate game changer for our family! Leanne has helped my hubby and I create perfect sleep for both our toddler and 6 month old baby!

Leanne was extremely supportive and helpful… her quick results were both impressive and quick!! We actually got in touch with Leanne after being quite disappointed by a previous sleep consultant from a different company. Leanne is professional, honest and experienced… when it comes to all things; Sleep, Leanne sure knows her stuff!

Both our toddler and baby seem so much more happier, calmer at bedtime, we’ll rested and able to self settle in their beds. Thankyou Leanne for giving back our sanity, confidence and nights back on the couch watching our favourite shows! X

- Vanessa Sette

Before I consulted Leanne, my 20 month-old-daughter was still waking up 2-3 times a night and needing to be fed back to sleep while other toddlers at her age group could sleep through the night. We've been to sleep schools a couple of times but their methods did not work at home.

I turned to Leanne for help when I felt really hopeless. Leanne created a sleep plan that suited my daughter and guided me through step by step. I couldn't believe that her method worked within 3 days!! I can't thank Leanne enough! I think the key is Leanne really listened and provided solutions that suit different babies/toddlers.

In terms of sleeping, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. If your baby's sleeping pattern has been bothering you, why not contact Leanne and get some professional advice?

- Lilly

Our bub suffered from a long sleep regression following several ear infections. We saw a GP however they are only able to see the outer ear and we were concerned that with repeated wake ups, sometimes 90minutes at a time, our little one might need overnight testing at a sleep clinic and/or referral to an ENT specialist for grommets. We tried an appointment with Leanne after reading her reviews and had an amazing result right away on the first night. We discovered our bub had been overtired and needed an early dinner, less stimulation and earlier bedtime.

Following Leanne's sleep schedule and techniques our bub was able to fall asleep in just 4 minutes and began sleeping through from 7:30PM. Now after 3 weeks regaining a restful night for all of us, we are still having the life changing sleep schedule and he falls asleep without any tears. Big thanks to Leanne

- Tim Fletcher

I contacted Leanne after seeing one of her videos on the Facebook Page Mums Supported. After trying (and failing) sleep school I was at the end of my rope. My 8 month old daughter wouldn't self settle, wouldn't sleep more than 30 minutes during the day and was waking multiple times during the night. Leanne asked about our lifestyle, routine, parenting techniques and came up with a sleep plan for our daughter. After following this for a day our darling girl slept the whole night through and has done ever since. My sleep and sanity is back, our little girl doesn't constantly look tired anymore and we have a much more happier household. I can not thank Leanne enough for all her help and support. It's honestly changed our lives. I strongly

recommend her and will recommend her to any sleep deprived mother I meet.

- Bree Carrington

My husband and I couldn’t thank Leanne enough if we tried! My little babe was 4 months old when her sleep patterns started to change. Waking up numerous times a night unsettled, reintroducing bottles during the night - it felt like a major setback. We reached out to Leanne who immediately helped us introduce a new day / night schedule.

Leanne attended our home to help us overnight and I cant suggest this enough!!!! She helped us teach our girl how to self settle with the most gentle and fulfilling approach. Within a week, my girl was back to sleeping all the way through the night. Weeks later, she is just thriving (we all are!!) and enjoying her 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep. If by chance she does wake, she is able to self settle herself, eliminating the need of either my husband or I having to get up! A dream. If you are considering approaching Leanne, don’t think twice!!!

- Iva Arapovic

Leanne has been so amazing to work with. I have a 1 year old child who has co slept with me all year and been rocked, held and breastfed to sleep. I literally felt like I was getting no sleep.

Once I called Leanne everything improved from the first night. Sasha slept through the first night and is doing really well with her morning nap.

The afternoon nap, as I was warned, has been the hardest but with perseverance it is getting to be a lot better. I will say that you MUST be prepared to follow the guidelines and avoid too many interruptions in the early stages.

You must stop yourself succumbing to guilt and going to your child before the time allocations. My baby still loves me, is happier than ever and it hasn't affected our relationship at all. Leanne will also check in regularly with assistance!

- Lauren Johnson

Our baby was going through the 4 month sleep regression and hadn't gotten out of it. He was waking often and cat napping. We decided to get Leanne in overnight and chose spaced soothing as our method. It was really hard listening to Luka cry for periods but we knew it was the right thing for everyone. (I think gradual withdrawal would have been harder!) We saw results virtually overnight for the night time sleeping. The hardest was the lunch time nap which we are still working on - it seems he will get there in his own time for that one.

Leanne was professional, communicative, and considerate. Her experience meant she was able to effectively tweak the strategy as needed and her insights were valuable. Would recommend her to a friend and would use Leanne again if needed.

- Ainsley Middleton

Leanne was informative, prompt, and supportive. I used to think ours was a lost case as my baby never slept through the night. I co-sleep and breastfeed my 16-month-old but Leanne reassured that it was never too late to sleep train. While it is obvious that we need consultants for how the actual sleep training goes, what we don't realize is that we need support just as much too.

That support helped me push through with sleep training when I doubted it would work. I found that in my case, the first 24 hours was the worst. It dramatically got better after that. 2 days into the "gentle sleep method", my baby already knew how to self-settle. In less than a week she's learnt to sleep through the night and take longer naps. Our schedule is now more predictable which I absolutely love. Thank you so much Leanne. You are a lifesaver!!

- Jermaine Ravelo

We can not believe the progress our 8 month old son has made within the last 10 days. He was waking every hour wanting to be rocked to sleep, he couldn't be settled without milk and everytime we would put him down his eyes would open. Now he is self settling to sleep, in his own room and sleeping right through with a minimum of 12 hours. We were hanging on to our sanity by a thread, but Leanne really works wonders.

Her reassurance and guidance is nothing less but amazing. We now have free time we never thought we would have. The overnight package is highly recommended and with consistency, patience and guidance from Leanne it really does work. WE STILL CANT BELIEVE IT... we are so greatful and our son is now so much more happier, active and is eating like a champ. Thank You Leanne... BLESSπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

- Chantel Livori

Leanne is an angel. I trusted her within 10 minutes of her arriving in our home. Our 5 month old was waking multiple times in the night and we were struggling to establish an appropriate day routine.

It has been 2 weeks and our son has slept through the night every night since Leanne stayed, he self settles and has started to work out the routine. We have even navigated through some unavoidable days where sleeps at home were not possible and we have managed to do this without disruption due to Leanne's support.

We even managed to go cold turkey on the dummy and he now finds other ways to self settle. He is happier as are we.

- Georgie Johnston

We first met Leanne when our 5 month old baby boy started to sleep in 2 hour blocks. We worked with Leanne to develop a sleep routine to provide structure and consistency on a day to day basis.

After a couple of days of implementing a settling technique that suited our son, results were evident.

Also having regular "check-ins" with Leanne during the implementation phase was critical as we could make any necessary changes in a timely manner.

Thank you Leanne!

- Megan Stevenson

Leanne has been truely amazing and supportive. My 4 month old son was a fantastic sleeper but then starting catnapping and waking frequently at night. After Leanne’s consultation he has learnt to self settle in just two weeks, is only waking at nights to feed, and on the path the good daytime naps.

I now have the confidence to put him to bed on my own knowing he will put himself to sleep and wake up well rested and happy.

- Alice Carter

Leanne conducted a thorough assessment of my baby's daily routine and sleep issues. She took into consideration my personal parenting style and gave me a clear plan to follow, with different options so l could choose the techniques that I felt most comfortable with.

After a few days and nights of sticking to the new schedule, my baby is now sleeping through the night, which means my husband and I, as well as my three year old who used to wake when the baby cried at night, are all getting better sleep too!

- Bec Churchwood

Leanne was incredible in helping us solve our 3-year-old daughter's sleep issues, she had never been a good sleeper, and after a great discussion and precise instructions from Leanne our daughter slept considerably better on the 1st night! we now don't have to worry as our daughter sleeps through the night like clockwork.

We couldn't have done it without Leanne and Mother in Touch. We could not recommend this enough to any struggling parents out there who need a good night's sleep with their little ones.

- Dylan Davis

I contacted Leanne after struggling through multiple night wakings with my 6 month old and months of very little sleep. She is so knowledgeable and her approach is gentle and flexible. After the initial phone consultation, she was able to personalise a plan for us.

She then came into our home to help us with its implementation. It was a tough first night but the very next day our little boy was following the schedule to the letter and sleeping like an absolute champ. I am just so happy that we found Leanne and beyond grateful for her help and support. I would recommend her to anyone who needs support with infant sleep, she is wonderful!

- Helen Lachal

Leanne helped us get our sleep back! I have 9 month old triplets, and i never thought that i would ever be able to sleep in my own room!

After weeks of having pretty much no sleep to going to sleeping in my own bed all night without having to get up once, has been a dream come true!

The girls now know how to put themselves back to sleep at night without crying.

I highly recommend Leanne, she will work wonders on your little one. We could not be happier

- Lolooh Effendi

Our son has been a terrible sleeper since birth. We struggled on for 13 months and tried numerous sleep programs and sleep consultants and nothing worked. During a particularly terrible time we called Leanne in desperation and she had our son sleeping 11 hours overnight within two days. We couldn't believe it!

We can also just put him down in the cot wide awake and walk away and he settles himself to sleep. It used to take us an hour to get him to sleep every night and then he would wake 30-45 mins later. We are so grateful to have our evenings back. We couldn't recommend Leanne more.

- Marie Brandford

When we contacted Leanne our daughter Hana was 13 months and we had been co-sleeping and she had never slept through the night at all.

After filling out Leanne's comprehensive questioner, she provided us very details Hana's tailored sleep plan. We followed the plan and kept her sleeping log which Leanne reviewed and gave some feedback to support this journey. We could not believe the results how effective and quickly it worked.

Within the end of first week, Hana was able to sleep though the night which of course gave us plenty of sleep that we had not had last 10 months. We are very fortunate that Leanne was our consultant and supported us diligently.

- Yuji Abe

My 7 month old was waking 45min- 1hourly overnight and cat napping during the day and I decided to finally ask for help. I couldn’t have asked for a nicer more understanding person. From our first conversation Leanne was supportive and full of information and encouragement. Her sleeping plan was clear to follow and her consults over the phone throughout our journey were not only helpful but also gave me confidence to continue through the rough patches.

My bub now has 2 naps a day and sleeps 12hours overnight, it feels like a miracle πŸ˜‚ not only does he sleep but Leanne has also given me the tools and knowledge to help for the future. I could not recommend Leanne highly enough! Thank you πŸ’•

- Greg Havers

I am so glad I contacted Leanne. My 6 month old had been sleeping poorly for about 3 months. He only fed to sleep, and I had to hold him for all of his naps, and couldn't move at all or he would wake up. He would also wake multiple times in the night, and refused to sleep anywhere but next to me overnight. I couldn't continue to function like this.

Within a couple of days the night sleep was drastically improved, and within the week his naps were as well.

I now have a baby who sleeps through the night in his cot, and naps in his cot during the day. All I have to do is put him in the cot and he will be asleep within 5 minutes with no crying.

- Jess Martin

Before my consultation with Leanne, my 4 months old was catnapping and waking frequently through the night. We had tried a few different strategies but nothing was really working. Leanne gave us an age appropriate plan to follow and great settling techniques that our little girl responded to almost immediately. Within a few nights, she was sleeping longer at night and her naps became more consistent.

When she was unsettled, we knew what technique was going to work best and we could get her back to sleep within 20 minutes. The follow up calls were one of the most valuable parts of Leanne's service. It gave me the opportunity to ask more questions and get more advice for the future. Thanks Leanne. You've helped us set up a great sleeping foundation for our tiny human and we are very thankful 😊

- Cassandra Ricks

I reached out to Leanne in desperation. I was 19 weeks pregnant and exhausted. My 14 month old was refusing naps, bedtime was a nightmare, she'd wake frequently at night wanting to breastfeed for comfort and ended up in my bed.

My main goal was just to stop breastfeeding but in 2 days my daughter was off the breast, napping on schedule and sleeping through the night.

Leanne changed our nap schedule and that made all the difference. She was so supportive and reassuring throughout the process and really quick to respond to all my questions. I am so grateful for Leanne I wish I contacted her sooner! πŸ™

- Katia

I contacted Leanne after my 21 month old daughter fell back into old habits of requiring me to rock her to sleep, and sleeping in my bed for half the night. Also bed time tantrums were becoming the norm and it was taking up to 3hrs to get her to sleep each night.

Flowing Leanne's advice I was able to get my daughter sleeping all night in her cot and going to bed with minimal fuss from night 2 of our sleep plan.

Leanne has been a great help with her advice. She always called when she said she would and responded to text message questions too. I am so glad I reached out for some independent help. We are now both getting the sleep we need and are both happier each day because of it.

- Emmeline

Leanne was a life saver for our family! After the first phone call we implemented the sleeping plan and noticed a change immediately (exceeded all our expectations).

We had 1:1 support, check ins and with prompt responses to help through the day for nap times.

We have gone from hourly night wakes, feeding to sleep, 100% contact napping during the day to a happy baby independently sleeping and a much better feeding experience. We can't thank Leanne enough for her help and support.

- lanna Furfaro

We had an incredible experience with Leanne, our sleep consultant. Our 5 month old baby was struggling with frequent wake-ups overnight and cat naps during the day. Leanne provided us with a personalised schedule that completely reorganised our day and night routine.

Within just 2 days our baby was responding remarkably well. He was happier during his wake windows, feeding improved and most importantly he was able to do long stretches of uninterrupted sleep at night. We're deeply grateful for Leanne's expertise and support.

- Jessica Baron

So incredibly grateful for Leanne! My son who is 12 months never slept through the night. We tried a sleep consultant at 5 months who ghosted us a few days into the program despite my son showing no improvement. We then tried the O’Connell family centre at 10 months which was traumatic for both my son and I.

We then found Leanne who has been a dream to work with. We saw results within a day and my son has been sleeping consistently through the night since. Leanne checked in daily which made me feel incredibly supported. Thank you Leanne!

- Emma

Finally success! Before I spoke to Leanne I was struggling with information overload and varying opinions, my baby was only sleeping in 90 min blocks and I was severely sleep deprived! Within 7 days everything just clicked and we are all finally sleeping! Leanne gave us a simple plan to follow, answered all my questions and reviewed our sleep logs every few days. This became invaluable as she was able to suggest adjustments which in turn suited my baby better and worked for him. Thank you Leanne!

- Nalani Gledden

Our experience was fantastic. Leanne took the time to get to know our 4 month old boy who was waking every 90 minutes at night. Through supporting us with appropriate awake periods, day nap advice and settling techniques we began using a routine that worked. Soon was getting stretches of 4 hour blocks within ten days.

Leanne was caring & checked in regularly on the phone. General advice is ok but all babies differ, getting to know our sons needs, preferences & suitable advice helped us to find out what worked for us and our little one. Thanks Leanne!!Xx

- Ciara O'Loughlin

Leanne is amazing. She taught our baby how to sleep through the night and in doing so returned our sanity. She is so amazing in her knowledge of all things to do with your precious babies sleep.

I cannot recommend her highly enough if you are needing support and love during the challenging time of becoming new parents. She returned to us our sense of peace. A must for every new parent. Our baby now sleeps soundly from 7am to 7pm thanks to Mother in Touch.

- Bronwyn Murphy

I started this journey of needing a sleep consultant when my daughter was having horrendous sleeps after her 4 month sleep regression. She refused to sleep anywhere but her SNOO and would wake every hour or so.

Leanne helped us to get her into a really effective routine and transition out of the SNOO all within a weeks work. She has truly been amazing and I couldn’t recommend her enough!

Will be 100% returning if there are anymore sleep issues in the future. Thank you!!!

- Julianna Smith

Me and my partner contacted Leanne when our 5 month old daughter was having difficulty sleeping. Leanne was extremely professional and able to adapt strategies to sort our needs.

Leanne was available at all times to answer any questions or concerns I had as they arised. After following Leannes plan our daughter has been sleeping tremendously better and I finally have my sleep back!

Leanne was professional, knowledgeable, personable and great value for money couldn't recommend higher.

- Jake Latimer

Our little boy was an ok sleeper- but not great. At 4 months we could take 90 minutes to settle him at night and he could wake 2-3 times and daytime naps were hit and miss. We were all just tired and did not want to prolong bad habits. We sort Leanne's help to learn hands on skills.

Leanne visited our home and with her calm, supportive and easy going attitude we were immediately at ease. She built us a plan and we saw marked results in a week. She maintained contact to offer tips and support. We now have one wake overnight and he self settles before each nap. Our entire house is happy and rested. Can't thank Leanne enough.

- Charlotte

The sleep program was the golden ticket and Leanne was the cherry on top - a wealth of knowledge and the utmost of professional.

Our seven, almost eight month old wasn’t a horrible sleeper but was definitely on the path to developing bad habits at the expense of our mental health! Leanne’s guidance provided us with the confidence to implement a program that actually worked. Immediate results and slept through the night on day two, we could hardly believe it! My advice is to trust the process and commit fully.

- Penny Kemp

Leanne is a sleep genius! I would highly recommend getting in touch with her if your little one has trouble sleeping. It’s a skill they need to learn like any other and getting Leanne on board was the best thing we did. We went from 6 feeds a night down to 2 within a day.

She gave us structure and a plan to work towards and it’s worked so well for our little one. I wish we would have got her on board earlier. Would have saved us a lot of sleep and nerves!

- Lena Wagner

After barely sleeping for 16 months (multiple night wakes especially in the earlierpart of the night) , I reached out to Leanne. Leanne assured me that my needy night baby was not an anomaly and she was comfortable we would learn what sleep is again soon. After one night on Leanne's sleep plan our stubborn little angel was sleeping peacefully, she really took to it. I wish we had gotten in touch with Leanne earlier but we are so happy our little girl is now sleeping like we always hoped she could.

- Hannah Williams

We came to Leanne for help with our 8 month old daughter after her sleep regression kicked in. She was waking frequently overnight and not in a consistent napping schedule during the day. Leanne was very pleasant to work with. All of our conversations took place over the phone and she provided a detailed plan via email. We had 4 total conversations over a week and a half and Leanne answered any questions we had. We are extremely pleased with the results and our daughter sleeps through the night and is in a great routine now.

- Steph Pecora-Burne

I would recommend Leanne to all mother's who have any sleep issues, even minor. My son was sleeping through the night and self settling, however was only catnapping during the day. It took me a while to reach out for support because everything else was so good, however I am glad I did because after one day of using Leanne's sleep plan he stopped cat napping! He and I are so much happier and our days are very predicable now, which I love. Leanne was very easy to talk to and adjusted her plan as needed.

- Anita Scoleri

My 4 month old has gone from waking up multiple times a night to sleeping 12 hours straight! She has also learned to re-settle during day naps. Thanks to Leanne for making this happen! She provided a tailored nap schedule and regularly checked in with us.
If you want to set an amazing routine for your bub and be guided by someone who is compassionate and amazing to work with, then Leanne is your person! You and your baby could be in no better hands.

- Monica Fernandes

I was at my wits end when my husband found Leanne. My baby boy was going through leap 4 and 4 months sleep regression waking up 5 times a night. His day naps were all over the place too. Leanne made a big change of the situation.

Pretty much after her visit my baby’s night sleep had dramatically improved. Then came his day naps. In under two weeks my baby was waking up once or twice with minimal need of settling at night and his days are structured and quite manageable. With better sleep I’m more energetic. I feel like I’m getting my life back. I’m so glad we contacted Leanne. Thank you!!

- Yao Wang

My husband convinced me to look at getting a sleep consultant and so we got in contact with Leanne.....and let me say, I’m so very glad we did!

Leanne came over to our house to help with our 10month old who needed to be rocked to sleep every sleep and was waking every 3h overnight. We were surprised with with the results. After a week the little one was sleeping through the night with no night wakings! She’s also adjusted very well to the routine that Leanne has curated specifically for her.

My husband and I have got more time for ourselves and everyone is much happier (baby included!).

- Adna Kajim

I engaged Leanne to help with the night sleeping issues we were having with our 20 month old. From the onset, I found Leanne to be extremely supportive. She helped put a plan in place that was realistic and easy to follow. Leanne continued to follow up via phone calls every few days and was also available by email to answer any questions I had or tweak our sleep plan where necessary.

Our toddler is now sleeping through the night after months of split nights. Thank you Leanne, would highly recommend to anyone having toddler sleep issues.

- Laura Dzanovski

Before we consulted Leanne, our 5 month old daughter was waking 3-4 times a night and needing to be fed back to sleep. Her naps were all over the place and rarely longer than 30 minutes. During the day she was cranky and looked very tired.

That's when we decided to contact Leanne, she was able to work with us to get our daughter's sleep back on track and we noticed a difference within 2-3 days. The best part of it was the fact that we were able to keep two night feedings which ensured our daughter was getting what she needed at the time. My wife and I would highly recommend Leanne to help the whole family get a better nights sleep!

- Clint Schepisi

Highly recommend Leanne - our 10 month old daughter was waking up twice and sometimes three times a night, every night. We didn't really know what to do. Nothing worked. Desperate I reached out to Leanne hoping she could help. Leanne listened to everything we shared and then came up with a great plan. We saw our daughter sleeping through the night within a few days of Leanne's help. Now three weeks on and our daughter sleeps 7pm to 7am and her routine is like clockwork. She is so much happier! Leanne was understanding, helpful and always available. I felt extremely support by her. Highly recommend.

- Helen Graham

Leanne’s work is magic. It is unbelievable for us to see our little bub falling asleep on her own in her cot and waking up directly in the morning after a solid 12 hour sleep. She was rocked/fed to sleep every single night since birth and was in a perpetual regression since 4 months - multiple night wakings and difficult to put to bed every single time. Not to mention our own sleep was a wreck. I am so glad I met Leanne. She instilled confidence in us constantly and guided us throughout. It just took 2-3 nights of following her instructions and bubs started sleeping through the night. I would 100% recommend her! Thank you Leanne!

- Jeenal Badani

Leanne was an absolute godsend. My 3.5 month old was not napping during the day in the cot and would only sleep in my arms. I had a week of Leanne's support in phone consultations and after 6 days of sleep training, our little one slept all by herself for all naps and settled at night too. It has done wonders for my mental health as I am able to have a cuppa and some much needed me time. She is very patient and understanding, and took the time to answer any questions I had. I would highly recommend Leanne to anyone who wants their baby to learn how to sleep independently.

- Em

I contacted Leanne due to her good reviews on Google to help with my 10 month old baby who could only fall asleep being breastfed or in the pram. Leanne's method was transformative for our family.

My baby's sleep is better than I ever could have hoped for, after about one week of transition time. For the first time, my husband and I have enjoyed consistent uninterrupted nights and we are getting our lives back! Also, our baby has learnt to sleep in her cot (rather than her pram) during the day. I would definitely recommend.

- Lydia Brown

I can’t recommend Leanne highly enough. Aftwr struggling through issues with sleep with my 5 month old for months and feeling like I had tried absolutely everything I finally decided I needed help. Leanne was wonderful and has helped us so much. My daughter now goes down for 3 naps a day with barely an issue at all and has a much earlier bed time which she used to fight to stay awake as late as she possibly could. It’s made a huge difference to not only her mood but also mine. Thank you Leanne!

- Jaimi Hinrichsen

Leanne is amazing to work with. I had tried everything by the book with my lil boy but he never slept through the night and his hourly waking was at its worst at 15months- with him standing in the cot. Leanne visiting us was super helpful as she could tell the exact gaps (things to look out for) ...and for the first time he slept through the night (and I slept through the night)- without any intervention from us! Her support for next few days was great.

- Prachi Tiwari

I strongly recommend!! We have 13months old boy and he has been waking up every two hours and I was putting him back to sleep with breast milk, which means I woke up frequently and it was so tiring. In the end, my husband organized the sleep training with Leanne.

She is professional and gave me assurance with the plan. Now he is sleeping through all night and having two naps in regular time. Baby and I can sleep all night without interruption and we cannot be any happier. 😁

- Rayeong Park

Thanks Leanne for your guidance and support to help my 7 month old get into a better routine. Our day sleeps are now around 3 hours total consistently every day and he goes down for them on his own very easy with minimal fuss.

So happy to have made the decision and commit to getting him into better sleep patterns. Elon is a much happier baby.

- Kaylee Chirichiello

I can not recommend Leanne more highly. She listened to me every step of the way and worked with what I was comfortable with, without pushing or judging. She was always happy to chat and answer and questions or concerns I had. We saw results in just a few days and now have a more rested and happier baby! 10/10!!

- Erin Browne

Leanne has been amazing. Our 11 month old now sleeps through the night, such an incredible change for our family. She was so easy to work with, so helpful and was always willing to answer any questions I had no matter when. We will be recommending her to all our friends and family who have little ones struggling with Sleep and routine. Thank you Leanne ❀️

- Melissa Hart

Our 7 -month old was catnapping during the day and waking 5-7 times a night. We called Leanne in sheer desperation. Leanne changed the time and duration of Luke's day time sleeps, and her new routine worked magic. By the second night, Luke was a different baby. It was unbelievable. Don't go to Masada, get some gentle tips and a magic routine from Leanne.

- Lee Carroll

What can I say Leanne your a life saver. Our little man was only doing 45 mins naps and waking up several times during the night. After speaking to you and implementing a routine that suited our family he has done a complete 360 now napping 2hrs and sleeping through the night waking up once for a feed. Thank you so much for your help and support. :)

- Jamila Tawil

Could not be more impressed with Leanne and her tailored service. After exploring many sleep programs, I really needed someone who had a medical background and many years of experience to reassure me of what next options to try with our baby. Have recommended to every friend / mum and anyone who will listen - the best money we could have spent on all of our wellbeing.

- Kate Mulvey

Leanne’s provided amazing support in helping us sleep train our 7 month old daughter. She is thorough and prompt in responding to any questions or concerns we’ve had during the whole process. We’ve had amazing results within just a few days of starting the training.

Highly recommend Leanne to any parents struggling with daily routines and babies that can’t self settle/sleep issues.

- Mal Fetouni

We had been struggling with sleep for eight months with Lochie. He had never slept more than 28 minutes during the day or for more than three hours at night. Within a matter of days, Lochie was sleeping 12 hours through the night and had developed a healthy and reliable routine. I only wish that we had reached out earlier to Leanne - her advice was absolutely life changing! All of this she did remotely while we were out of the country, offering regular follow ups to debrief and answer any questions we had. Thank you so much!

- Michael James

It has been such a pleasure working with Leanne. She was very responsive from the moment I reached out for help. Leanne provided support and guidance that made me feel in control. Leanne is thorough in her assessment and developing a plan that suited my son. The family are all feeling well rested now that our little man is sleeping. Thank you Leanne.

- Fiona

My baby went through her four month sleep regression and wouldn’t nap for longer than 30 minutes and only in her pram. After a couple of weeks of this, I reached out to Leanne who turned things around instantly. My baby is now in a routine, is falling asleep and linking her sleep cycles independently and is taking her naps in her bassinet. If your baby is struggling with any sleep related issues, do not hesitate to reach out to Leanne. I cannot recommend her enough. I wish I had reached out sooner!

- Denise

Lifesaver! My 4 month old was waking hourly till Leanne came and outlined a sleep program. My little one is now on a great schedule, her naps are become consistent and only wakes for feeds overnight. She constantly touched base with me to answer any questions I had after her home visit. I now also have a much happier baby! Would highly recommend Leanne

- Jacy Fellows

When I read reviews that Leanne was a life changer for so many parents I dared to hope she could do the same for us with our 6 month old. Within a few days it became apparent that she really is that good - our baby improved immediately and has gone from multiple wakings during the night and impossible to settle to sleeping through 12 hours straight.

It’s almost unbelievable. Thank you Leanne!!!

- Samantha Buckley-Bolt

My husband and I contacted Leanne after an exhausting 10 months of little to no sleep. Our son was waking up 3-4 times a night and only cat napping during the day. Within a few days of Leanne's routine and constant guidance, we saw a massive change in our little guy. We will never forget the first full night sleep that we got. A massive Thank you to Leanne. She was nothing but professional, kind and supportive.

- Tania Melich

Leanne was honestly a life saver! My 10 month old baby was co sleeping and still waking every 2 hours need to be settled back to sleep which could take hours! After speaking with Leanne and following her very detailed sleep plan within 3 days Easton was sleeping in his own cot in his room with minimal wake ups by week 2 he was sleeping all night and going down without a peep! Couldn’t recommend Leanne enough!

- Layla Semsilt

Leanne helped us with our 9.5 month old daughter who loved waking early and having inconsistent daytime naps. Leanne was lovely and full of knowledge. She advised us on a routine, along with some very helpful tips and techniques. We started seeing changes immediately, I couldn’t believe it! It’s made such a difference to us all and we are so grateful!

- Pip Heard

I would definitely recommend Leanne at Mother In Touch. From day one I was given such excellent advice, confidence and guidance to help my 9 month old boy sleep better. I am amazed at the results, and so quick too! It sounds cliche but I should of done it sooner! My boy is much happier, and my head is not in a tired fog. Thanks so much Leanne!

- Emma Ciccotelli

Leanne has been amazing and turned our lives around. Our son had regressed since the arrival of his baby brother and we were truly at wits end. Leanne was so knowledgeable and supportive. She tailored our toddler's sleep schedule so his needs and understood exactly what he needed to get back into a better sleeping pattern. I would recommend Leanne to all my family and friends and anyone needing help with their baby's sleep!

- Kate Walker

Working with Leanne has been life changing for us. Our ten week old son would only sleep in our arms and would nap for 20 minutes at a time. With Leanne's guidance, he now sleeps in his bassinet, has longer naps and only wakes twice over night. Leanne's approach is very family centric and she was always available for extra help and support. Thanks Leanne!

- Renee Garuccio

We were really struggling with establishing a good daytime routine with our 4 month old, with far too frequent wakings at night. Leanne gave us the tools and confidence to help our baby learn to settle himself in his cot, and to set a far more appropriate nap schedule and bedtime - which has given us a much appreciated bit of time to ourselves in the evening! Thank you Leanne!

- Jenny Collins

Working with Leanne has been life changing. I seriously wish I’d known about her earlier so I could purchase the first 6 weeks survival pack. The support has been amazing and in 2 weeks I’ve been able to get my daughter on a pretty solid nap schedule and I can put her down fully awake and she will fall asleep without any help (she’s 12 weeks old).

- Sarah

Leanne is our hero! At 15months, our son still wasnt sleeping throughout the night, with 2-4 wake ups. Within 3 days, our son was sleeping through the night and was able to self settle. Leanne is amazing! Her plan worked perfectly. If your little one needs help sleeping, you MUST contact Leanne. She has given us our sleep back πŸ€—

- Christie-Lee Tsacos

If I could shout it from the roof tops how amazing Leanne from Mother in touch is i would. My forever restless baby of 6.5months is restless no more, sleeping sound though her naps and nights. I cant recommend her enough.

- Caitlyn Thornton

My wife and I highly recommend leanne, we had all sorts of difficulties getting both our 3 year old and new baby to sleep. My wife was exhausted. Leanne came to our house once and offered a follow up. Excellent value and service.

- Lee Mickelburough

I strongly recommend Leanne as sleep consultant. We asked Leanne on how to make our 17-months to learn how to sleep through the night again after a few sleepless nights. Leanne kindly and promptly called us and with her advice, he was back on track within 2 nights! Thank you Leanne

- Teresa Pereira

Thank you Leanne for all the help, I'm so grateful that my baby is now only waking up once for feed instead of 5 times every night! With the training, he now consistently naps and sleeps in his cot. The huge change is I get to finally sleep too. Couldn't have done this without the continuous support and I'm so well rested, I can enjoy the day with baby heaps more.

- Anthia Mirawidya

Leanne was a brilliant source of knowledge and support for me when my little one (18 months) was going through a difficult patch with his night time sleeps! She guided me through a thorough plan and guess what- it worked! He slept through from night 2!!! What a result! So happy and would really recommend Leanne to anyone who hasn't slept for a while!

- Irene

Leanne helped me get my 16 months routine and sleep back on track. Just one small change she suggested made a world of difference. I got my sanity back and my daughter got her sleep back. Can't thank Leanne enough for all her support and guidance.

- Rini Roy

Leanne’s service is five star; she was able to answer all my questions and gave me the confidence to ditch the dummy. Her routine for my 5 month old was a game changer- my babe no longer fights his day naps and is sleeping until 6-630am. I highly recommend Leanne

- Alice Tanos

My experience with Leanne was wonderful. She was understanding and personable and made us feel really comfortable in her presence. Her techniques were effective both times and we achieved outstanding results within days! Highly recommended to anyone needing help with their babies sleep.

- Tanja Ubi

Leanne was incredible! We had our daughter waking up multiple times in our bed and struggled to move her to her own cot. Within 3 nights of using Leanne’s techniques we had our daughter sleeping through the night!! She was personable and warm. Have recommended her to a few friends too! Thank you so much Leanne! We will always remember you! πŸ™Œ

- Bernadette Robson

Leanne’s beautiful, nurturing energy made me feel calm and confident about the decision we were making re sleep training. The first night can be especially tricky and it just wasn’t this time around (second baby) due to Leanne’s reassurance and wisdom. Highly recommend Mother In Touch. Thank you so much for saving our sleep! πŸ™πŸΌ

- Ash Ricardo

Leanne has been so lovely to deal with. It has been a very intuitive and relaxed process. She has been very flexible and understanding of my wishes for gentle sleep training. The results were almost instant. The gentle approach was clearly provided with comprehensive instructions and full support, it has helped so much!

- Sarah Kiryshin

The only way to explain Leanne’s help is life changing! Leanne gave us the confidence and tools to help our daughter sleep! Our 18 month old used to fight bed time, wake every 3 hours and rely on being fed or rocked to sleep. She now sleeps 11/12 hours every night. We can’t thank Leanne enough!

- Peta Foley

Leanne was very helpful & supportive with assisting us with settling our little one with sleeps. Leanne is gentle in her approach and literally holds your hand along the way. We nightly recommended Leanne 😊

- Nadia Carbonari

Leanne is amazing and such a beautiful person. Helped us get our 15 month old from co-sleeping to sleeping through the night in his cot in a matter of days! Highly recommend. I wish I had done it sooner!

- Erin Kemp

Leanne's service is five star; she was able to answer all my questions and gave me the confidence to ditch the dummy. Her routine for my 5 month old was a game changer- my babe no longer fights his day naps and is sleeping until 6am-6:30am. I highly recommend Leanne

- Sanja Nenadic

Leanne was amazing, from the first night we were able to settle our 4 and a half month old in her cot instead of feeding to sleep. She now falls asleep all by herself in her cot for all naps and bedtime. Couldn’t recommend more!

- Emma O’Flynn

Leanne was fantastic to work with. Sleep has improved hugely in our house as a result, and Leanne was really supportive, available and easy to talk to the whole way through. She tailored the program beautifully to our needs, and we are so grateful to have had her help!

- Pippa Milne

Highly recommend Leanne to help your little one to sleep. I have engaged Leanne twice for my 15 months old girl's sleep. I never imagine my daughter could have 11 hours sleep at night in one go and the afternoon nap is falling back in shape. Leanne is my life saver.

- Lai Hung Chiu

Leanne was amazing to work with and can’t thank her enough for helping us develop a plan to get our daughter’s sleep back on track! Highly recommend Leanne to assist with any sleep troubles you might be facing with your children.

- Natalie McAdam

Leanne was a huge help for my family. My son went from waking up multiple times and every nap being a battle to waking just once for a feed and I could put him down awake. The constant communication and 1:1 debrief was so helpful. We are so appreciative to have some solid sleep again!

- Nishani Udayaratna

Leanne's advise was spot on with our toddler and we saw results from day 2. She is extremely knowledgeable and I would highly recommend her to anyone struggling with baby/toddler sleep.

- Rashi Roy

Helped soooo much, great tips to help my little man sleep, and of course resulting in a much happier mummy! Would definitely recommend for anyone that needs help! <3

- Anna Brandauer

Leanne's advice was invaluable. She brought my sanity back within 4 days.

- Hayley Williams

Leanne was wonderful! Within a couple of nights my baby was sleeping through the night. She constantly checked in and reassured me with any reservations I had. Would hands down highly highly recommend.

- Danielle Hadj

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